Curated by Chuck Close & Jessica Craig-Martin
Pace Gallery, NYC | October 22-25, 2014
Pace Gallery, NYC | October 22-25, 2014
Presented by Bovet 1822 and Vhernier, FIERCE CREATIVITY is a selling exhibition featuring work from over 45 leading contemporary artists who are committed to extraordinary impact. Curated by Artists for Peace and Justice Advisory Board members, Chuck Close and Jessica Craig-Martin, each piece of artwork in the collection is poised to change lives.
100% of proceeds from the exhibition benefit Artists for Peace and Justice.
Catalog link: http://issuu.com/fiercecreativity/docs/catalog
Video: http://vimeo.com/109819310
Event pictures: http://www.apjnow.org/photos/fierce-creativity-2014-photos/
Video: http://vimeo.com/109819310
Event pictures: http://www.apjnow.org/photos/fierce-creativity-2014-photos/